Vote By Mail

How do I vote by mail?

You may vote by mail if you will be absent during early voting and on election day if you qualify for any of the 12 reasons allowed by law in Louisiana to Vote by Mail. You can download and print an application below or APPLY ONLINE.

General Absentee Application – General form (See Reasons to Apply)

Military or Overseas Citizen – M/O form

Disability Program – Disabled form

Proof of disability is required when initially applying for an automatic mail ballot for reason of disability.  ***Please check the form for the required documents to be returned with the application***

Disabled or Senior citizen applicants will remain in the automatic mail ballot program until such time that a ballot is returned to the Registrar of Voters office as undeliverable or you request to be removed from the program.

Be sure to return your voted mail ballot to the Registrar of Voters office.

The deadline for receipt of your voted mail ballot by the Registrar of Voters office is 4:30 PM the day before election day, except for military and overseas citizens, who have until election day.  Check out all deadlines leading up to an election date.