Amite, La.— Tangipahoa Registrar of Voters Andi Matheu reports that the early voting week for the November 8, 2022 election was a busy one. We voted over 1200 voters in Amite and over 5100 voters in our Hammond location. To date, 8965 voters have cast their ballots for this election. That is over an 11% turnout BEFORE election day. Keep it up Tangipahoa. If we missed you during early voting, we hope to see you at the polls. 

Don’t forget to check your ballot ahead of time before you go to the polls to verify your ballot and districts. Visit to see yours. 

If you received a mail ballot, your deadline to return it to the Registrar of Voters office is 4:30 PM on Monday, 11/07/2022

Make sure and keep up with the results as they roll in on election night by using the GeauxVote app or website. 

To view or download the official press release, click here