November Presidential Election – Early Voting Dates & Extended Hours

The court case Harding,et al. v. Edwards, et al #20-cv-0495 Ruling for the November and December 2020 elections made the following changes: The covid-19 application can be found on our website and may be completed online or printed and returned by mail or hand delivered to the Registrar of Voters offices. **Note – this application is a Temporary […]

Voter Registration Week – September 21 – 25

Tangipahoa Registrar of Voters Andi Matheu is reminding all eligible citizens to make sure they’re registered to vote ahead of the fall elections. It is also just as important to verify your registration information is up to date.  We would normally go out into the community and conduct voter registration drives, but with some covid-19 […]

Temporary Covid-19 Application available for 11/3 and 12/5 elections

Temporary COVID-19 Application will be available for the Nov.3 & Dec. 5, 2020 elections, as per court order Harding v. Edwards You can get a copy of the application to return to the Registrar of Voters office on our Vote by Mail page or complete the application online using the Voter Portal. Deadline for the Registrar to receive a mail ballot […]

USPS Informational Postcard headed your way!

The USPS has sent out an informational postcard to EVERY RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS and PO Box in America. **Please be aware this does NOT mean you will receive a mail ballot.** It is simply to inform you of your ability to apply for a mail ballot and encourage you to do so in a timely manner […]

Early Voting Begins

Early Voting began this morning and will continue Monday through Saturday 8:30AM – 6:00 PM through Saturday, August 8th 2020 for the August 15th election.  The emergency plan approved by the Governor and the Louisiana Legislature extends the Early Voting period from 1 week to 2 weeks for the July and August elections.  The Registrar of Voters Office is […]

Answers to FAQ’s following the PPP election in July

2. What is the Presidential Preference Primary? A PPP, commonly referred to as a “Presidential Primary,” is an election in which voters nominate their choice to be a political party’s candidate for President in the general election. 3. How can I change my voter information? You may change your voter information online or come into either of our offices to […]

Election Updates & Covid19 Temporary application

The Emergency Plan has been finalized for the July 11 and August 15 Elections.  The TEMPORARY Covid-19 application for a mail ballot is also now available for registered voters to use.  Please view our Vote By Mail page for more information. The election dates are updated with all of the new dates and deadlines as per the Emergency Plan […]

Tangipahoa Parish Registrar of Voters Office Closure

In my capacity as appointing authority for the Tangipahoa Parish Registrar of Voters office, I am declaring an office closure for both of my offices tomorrow, Friday, March 19, 2020 due to the public health emergency that has been declared due to the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus).  This action is being taken to preserve the health […]

04/04 and 05/09 Elections Re-Scheduled

The Spring Elections were re-scheduled in light of the Covid-19 outbreak.  The Secretary of State sent his request to the Governor on Friday, 03/13/2020 and a Proclamation was issued and signed that same day.  Election Dates are updated on the and the websites.  If you have any questions or concerns about the election dates […]

CLOSED Presidential Preference Primary

The Presidential Preference Primary held on Saturday, April 4, 2020 will be a closed party primary.  Make sure and verify your voter registration information PRIOR to the close of books to ensure you are eligible to vote in the PPP election. A closed party primary means the parties have decided you must be a registered […]