BATON ROUGE, La. —Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin is pleased to announce that Louisiana was ranked in the top 10 states for election integrity by the Heritage Foundation. The 2021 Election Integrity Scorecard, which was released last week, ranks Louisiana seventh in the nation. Scores were calculated from 12 different categories, including voter ID implementation, absentee ballot management, vote counting practices, and verification of citizenship.

“Louisiana is among the nation’s leaders when it comes to election integrity due to our agency’s sound procedures and best practices, along with our team of dedicated civil servants who work incredibly hard to ensure our elections run smoothly,” Ardoin said. “While we are proud to be named in the top 10, our goal is perfection, so we will continue working to improve our system. Louisianians deserve the most secure, accurate, and transparent elections possible—we strive to make it easy to vote, but hard to cheat.”

Ardoin was recently designated as a Certified Elections/Registration Administrator (CERA), the nation’s highest professional achievement for election officials. This distinction is earned through a multi-year course conducted by the Election Center’s Professional Education Program at Auburn University.

The Heritage Foundation Election Integrity Scorecard compares states’ election laws that affect election security and integrity.

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