The Spring Elections were re-scheduled in light of the Covid-19 outbreak.  The Secretary of State sent his request to the Governor on Friday, 03/13/2020 and a Proclamation was issued and signed that same day. 

Election Dates are updated on the and the websites.  If you have any questions or concerns about the election dates please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  We will remain open and available to you for as long as we possibly can!  You can always contact us via email from our contact us page.

In the meantime, please follow the CDC and Governmental guidelines and suggestions to slow the rapid spread of the virus.  Please see the President’s Coronavirus Guidelines – 15 Days to Slow the Spread issued on Monday 03/16/2020.  The Tangipahoa Parish Government is updating their website daily with updated information regarding the virus and any parish updates that need to announced.  Please see below some helpful websites for information from the CDC, John’s Hopkins Medical Center, Tangipahoa Parish Government and others. 

PLEASE FACT CHECK YOUR INFORMATION PRIOR TO SHARING OR POSTING IN SOCIAL MEDIA.  Any false information is irresponsible and counterproductive.  We should be working together as a community, state and country to get back to living the lives that already seem so far in the past.  

Please Stay Well Tangi.

Andi Matheu
Registrar of Voters, Tangipahoa Parish

Online John Hopkins CSSE Coronavirus Dashboard

US CDC 2019-nCoV webpage

Tangipahoa Parish Government covid-19 updates